Conscientious protector given suspended sentence for defending ancient woodland in landmark case brought by HS2 Ltd and the Secretary of State

Today at Birmingham High Court, Elliott Cuciurean, 22, was issued with a suspended prison sentence for breach of an anti trespass injunction around irreplaceable ancient woodland in Crackley, Warwickshire, being destroyed by HS2 during nesting season.

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Protestors scale the HS2 tunnel and block works and remind Boris Johnson to keep his pledge to protect biodiversity

Today, Friday October 9, Extinction Rebellion and Stop HS2 have responded to the Prime Minister's call to protect biodiversity by blocking HS2 worksites across the 140-mile stretch from London to Birmingham asking him to tell the truth and, in his own words 'act now without dither or delay'.

Continue ReadingProtestors scale the HS2 tunnel and block works and remind Boris Johnson to keep his pledge to protect biodiversity

HS2 Rebellion disrupts UK’s Department for Transport to demand urgent action on the climate emergency and push the government to stop ecocide and stop HS2

Activists have spray painted the words  “Smash HS2” and sprayed fake blood on the walls of the Department for Transport (DfT) to signify the government's complicity in the climate crisis. Two people have glued onto the entrance door of the Dft, with four people glued to the ground. Activists chanted, "HS2 has blood on their hands. HS2 is Ecocide."

Continue ReadingHS2 Rebellion disrupts UK’s Department for Transport to demand urgent action on the climate emergency and push the government to stop ecocide and stop HS2