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HS2 Rebel on hunger strike at top of 150 foot crane outside Euston station

Saturday 5 September 2020: HS2 Rebel Leayn, 34, has entered the HS2 compound immediately outside Euston Station, scaled a 150 foot crane there and dropped a banner reading “HS2 is corrupt” (see photo).

Leayn, who usually works as a creative artist, has risked life and limb by free-climbing the giant crane and is now securely attached at the top. She has taken only water with her in order to go on hunger strike at the top of the crane until she is either forcibly removed or HS2 is cancelled.

Leayn, who is available for phone and video interview from the top of the crane, comments: “We need to end HS2 and the ruin it has caused. Its ruining lives making 1000’s homeless, it’s ruining our countryside, destroying 108 ancient woodlands, it’s ruining our economy through corruption, 10 times more expensive per mile than high speed rail elsewhere, and it’s ruining our future by accelerating the Climate and Ecological Emergency when we must apply the brakes!”

This is the latest HS2 Rebellion action in a week that has seen hundreds of people take dozens of actions against HS2, including dousing the Department of Transport with fake blood and locking on to a bleeding tree carcass at the Home Office and DEFRA.

Three environmental protectors are now on their fourth day occupying trees in Parliament Square, to stop HS2 and promote the CEE Bill as part of ongoing protests held by Extinction Rebellion, Animal Rebellion, Global Justice Rebellion and others.

Athena, 22, also available for phone and video interview from her treetop in Parliament Square, comments: “We ask the government to pass the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill to address the greatest challenge of our time. This Bill will create 1000’s more jobs than HS2 for far less money. But don’t take my word for it, ask the people! Let’s have a Citizen’s Assembly on the Emergency response.”

For further info call Larch – 07726195412

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