Case dismissed for six Anti HS2 activists charged in defence and eviction of Jones’ Hill Ancient Woodland and surrounding Chilterns AONB.

On May 27th 2021, six activists were set to face trial at High Wycombe Magistrate Court. The case was dismissed after the CPS and Thames Valley Police failed to submit any evidence of the alleged charges against the defendants.

Continue ReadingCase dismissed for six Anti HS2 activists charged in defence and eviction of Jones’ Hill Ancient Woodland and surrounding Chilterns AONB.

Forest people: Young people protest in Upper Swabia against the expansion of a gravel pit and try out a free coexistence

It's three in the morning. It's pitch black in the forest. The treetops allow only a few rays of pale moonlight to penetrate the treehouses. An alarm clock rings, headlamps…

Continue ReadingForest people: Young people protest in Upper Swabia against the expansion of a gravel pit and try out a free coexistence