HS2 activists take to the trees

BREAKING NEWS: Protesters against HS2 take to the trees in Parliament Square to demand the government to act now.

They are there to witness Parliaments decision on the CEE bill, and pledge to remain until the government acts on the climate emergency, backs the bill and stops destructive projects like HS2.

Protesters from the front lines of the campaign against HS2 have successfully made it up the trees, and are acting in solidarity with the rebellion.

A tree protector climbing a tree in Parliament Square.

Ash, 22, one of the tree climbers, said: “The government needs to make ecocide law. This is our last chance to change, reconstruct, re-wild and reconnect.”

Another tree climber, Athena, 22, said: “I’m doing this to inspire more people to join the campaign against HS2. The project is a perfect example of how corrupt the system is. We are in a climate and ecological emergency – we don’t need a high-speed railway.”

To find out more about HS2 Rebellion, check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HS2rebellion/

Credit to Talia Woodin @taltakingpics

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mark Steinhardt

    Larch spoke from the top of the plane tree in Parliament Square yesterday. Could catch everything her said but he asked us to come to Denham tomorrow (Monday) and it was all on the HS2rebellion.earth website. But there’s nothing specific. I really want to go (arrestable) but would like something clearer – when? where? what’ll we be doing? with more definite info, I might be able to get more from our town (Bedford) Mark

    1. Verel

      Hi Mark, are you looking for the location of Denham camp?

      1. Mark Steinhardt

        I went on Monday, spent the day there. Larch phoned me on the train and gave me contacts in the camp who gave me directions. So all fine, thanks. It’s Wednesday now, so much may have happened since Monday, so today I’ll try to catch up with the latest news. Thank you for getting in touch. Mark

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