Email your MP

Email your MP and ask them to oppose HS2. Follow the guidance on this page to email your MP.

Put your postcode in this site to work out who your MP is, click their email address, copy and paste this template into the email, enter your own details and modify with any other points or thoughts.

Another great site for guidance is:

Here is a template for you to follow, but please try to write it in your own words.

Hi Councilor _______,

Hope you are well.

I am one of your constituents, my postcode is ______. (always include your full postcode or address to give the best chance for your MP to consider your email). 

I’m writing to let you know that I do not support the development of HS2.

Carbon Emissions: HS2 will not be carbon neutral for 120 years by which time we will have reached a tipping point in the climate crisis.

Existing Alternatives: There is no need for this development as there are already alternative transport solutions.

Unnecessary: Everyone will be commuting less after coronavirus and new working from home options.

Ecocide: The development will destroy 93 local wildlife sites, 108 ancient woodlands and 33 legally protected sites of special scientific interest.

Sequestration: HS2 says it will plant 7 million trees. Firstly survival rates are estimated to be around 54%. Secondly mature trees sequester 22kg of carbon per year compared with 2-5.9 kgs of new trees. It takes new trees over 20 years to have the same sequestration power as mature trees. In a climate emergency we should be preserving trees AND planting new trees. We should do everything we can to ensure mature trees aren’t cut down.

Treatment of Protesters: I object to the way the peaceful protesters at Euston Station are being treated. They are working to save our future and should be treated with dignity and respect, not sat on for an entire day by bailiffs and having their lives put at risk. 

Petition and Parliamentary Debate: I know the parliament petition to stop HS2 has reached something like 150,000 signatures and is waiting on parliamentary debate, please urge this debate to move forward as soon as possible and put pressure on the government to stop hs2, it is a waste of taxpayers money and life threatening ecocide. 

Kindest regards,

Full Name