There are now three people up in treehouses in Broadwell Woods. They got in on Monday night and are staying over tonight (Tuesday) as well. We’re on our way to say hello to them now.
There was fun in the fields by Broadwells where people jumped on Caterpillar machines (which are like cherry pickers with legs). People seemed to be able to jump on the machinery, then the Eviction Team told them to get down, so they did, then they jumped up again, all day long! People also got arrested who were under bulldozers. We don’t yet know what the charges will be. But we were pretty much been in and out of the works all day. They have taken down 8 beautiful trees and most of the smaller hedge line at Crackley. It was a really noisy, dusty day and it feels like the most full on work that we’ve seen.
The camp is lovely and it’s happy. We have an extension on the back of the kitchen for storage where we can keep all the lovely things which people are bringing to us. We’ve got the Gurt and a washroom as well. A few people have gone back to Harvil Road and a few others have turned up, so we’re doing really well. We are turning this into a sustainable little eco-village set up. We’re having great fun and we are blessed to be here.
We are grateful for all the support we have received from people across the country. If you are unable to join us physically, please consider donating whatever you can to help us keep disrupting HS2